
Hi, My name is Laura and I am new to blogging! My sister has been blogging since August and it is a lot of fun to keep up to date with her life! I am going to give it a try...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

What a Sunday...

We have been working on my oldest daughters room for a few weeks now. Since we live in a 100+ year old home there are some challenges with remodeling. She decided to go against carpeting on the floors and we were going to pain the previously painted boards. Cute idea...should turn out wonderful! Or so I thought! Ack...We did one layer Saturday evening and by Sunday morning I was going to apply another layer only to find out we were suppose to first sand the entire floor so the paint would stick! Double Ack! I get out the electric sander and turn it on....vvvvvvvvibrate!! My hands were turning numb and I had only done a 12 inch square...the paper was smooth and so was the floor. Grrrr, this was not going to work.

Home Depot is 1 hour away...we were sure we would find some self sticking laminate type flooring to cover up the paint. At first we were unable to find it...but a nice store man was ever so kind to direct us to the proper location. There were not a lot of choices...I was looking for something cheap but yet stylish. We finally settled on a style we all agreed on only to find out they did not have enough in stock! We walk out of Home Depot with nothing...

Next stop Menards! My hopes were not too high as we walked in the store. I was pleasantly surprised! We found something immediately and WOW, there was even enough in stock! We checked out and now have her room almost back to order with a new floor!

Now if the daughters would only go to bed!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

I think I can!

This site should be fun! I got chills when I saw the html code...I am a true computer nerd, but never learned html...cobal was my passion in college. Don't laugh...yes it is dating me.

Anyway, now I am a Banker...I still work a lot with the pc's but numbers have become my passion!

When I am not banking, I am a Mom to three beautiful daughers and a wife to a dear husband. We live in Wisconsin in a valley on a beautiful farm. Life is hectic, full and very rewarding. I will detail more once I figure out what I am doing here!

My first...

Post in my first blog.
So I guess this makes me a blogger.

I am not sure what I would like to share or where I want this to go.